The work with the colors and materials "penetrates" through the various protective envelopes, and "touches" the deepest layers of the physical emotionality

The approach allows for the strengthening or flexibility of stabilizing mechanisms required for balanced behavior, while taking into account the individual's internal strength system.

Color psychotherapy focuses on achieving change in the patient's internal and functional behavior. A key emphasis is on finding the way to maintain a healthy and appropriate balance for the individual, between the way he or she manages his or her emotions, and the use of the mechanisms of perception and thinking.

The therapist's assumptions about the patient's difficulties and abilities at different levels of emotional, perceptual, and intellectual development will determine his choice of colors, materials, and creative plans he will propose. The assumption is that working with certain materials will create change processes in certain layers, and other creative styles will create changes in other layers

Expanding the abilities of expression and coping, involves the therapist's ability to listen to the patient's expression, "mapping" his internal system on various axes of the perceptual, emotional, and cognitive development, and accordingly submitting game and creation suggestions in the treatment room

Color psychotherapy concentrates on enriching the individual's ability to express themselves. This ability may exist in all modes of human expression - in words, in play, and of course in contact with materials. The contact with color, more than anything, enables and enriches the expression and allows each person to reveal his creative powers, which are connected to the powers of dealing with difficulties

The therapist moves in the way of his intervention between stages in which there is "listening" and monitoring of the patient with focus and interventions at the content level, and stages in which he "translates" the understanding of the content worlds of the patient, his needs and various balances related to his behavior into proactive interventions, in which the patient is offered channels An expression that will stimulate and encourage moves of change and internal and functional growth

The therapist's work in the treatment room is centered on actively presenting materials and challenges that stimulate the patient's expression, moving from one side of the axis, the structural-formal, to the other, the effective-colorful. However, the atmosphere of the therapeutic arena is one of creation, discovery, and the joy of expression, which is often placed literally on the treatment table, in the products produced by the patient with the help of the therapist

The focus in the approach is on creating balances between the systems, that is, in the conduct. The content and its interpretation will usually be transformed into creative proposals presented to the patient. The emphasis in the game will be on the discovery, the emotional experience, and the balanced use of the perception and thinking systems in what is being done