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Articles and Links

Wassily Kandinsky - the painting and the soul
(On the spiritual in art, p. 94) "Painting is art, and art as a whole is not a purposeless creation of things, scattered in the void, but...

We have a book
Color Psychotherapy launches a comprehensive and unique book by Yoav Fischer: Color Psychotherapy & Slime: A Voyage Through the...

Emotions and desire - Irwin Yalom
From Existential Psychotherapy, Erwin Yalom, published by Kinneret, Zamora-Beitan Dvir, p. 257 "The awareness of feelings and their...

Creativity - Donald Winnicott
"A life of creativity" - Donald Winnicott ("Home is where we start from", p. 34) "In order to be creative, a person needs to feel that he...

Vision, emotion and feeling - Christopher Bollas
"Just as our eyes see the visual world, we feel the emotional word: we sense emotional states in ourselves and others. The capacity to...

Sensory, physical, metaphors and research
The important and fascinating book of Professor Talma Lobel, one of the leading psychologists in the world in the field of social...

Carl Gustav Jung- The Four Functions
The four functions that distinguish people: Sensation; Thinking; Feeling and Intuition Under sensation I include all perceptions by...

Dina Cohen-Or
Dina Cohen-Or is a psychotherapist and lecturer in the fields of bibliotherapy, story-telling therapy, and the integration of the arts in...

Christopher Bollas- Affect and emotional experience
Christopher Bollas - Catch Them Before They Fall "An affect is a single eternal event, usually a mental-bodily state, such as anxiety,...

Sigmund Freud- The self as bodily essence
From "The Self and the Imperative" - The Writings of Sigmund Freud, Volume IV, Selected Essays III, Dvir Publishing, p. 148 "The self is,...

Embodied Cognition
An innovative view adopted by practitioners of cognitive psychology, which refers to the fact that cognitive processes are deeply rooted...

The phenomenological Experience of Color- Robert Swain
For over four decades, American painter Robert Swain has used painting to examine color as a phenomenological experience. Swain delivers...

Color in a philosophical view- Jean Jacques Russo
"The analysis of colors, the calculation of prismatic refractions, give you the only exact relations in nature, the rule of all...

The effect of drawing and color
"If we allow our eyes to glide across a color chart, two main results will be achieved: (1) A pure physical effect will be created, that...

Color and shape in attention processes
Feature Integration Theory The theory and research founded by researchers Ann Treisman and Garry Gelade identify that attention in its...

Paul Klee- Movement and Emergence
Paul Klee: "Paul Klee" (p.169) All becoming is based on movement

When color and form meet - Emiliy Bilncoe
Emily Blinko, an American photographer who makes spectacular use of the fascinating connection between color and arrangements of formal...
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