Yoav Fischer
Yoav Fisher is a licensed clinical psychologist and supervisor in psychotherapy and psychodiagnostics. He holds a bachelor's degree in psychology from Bar-Ilan University and a master's degree in clinical child psychology from Tel Aviv University. He has been practicing therapy for over 20 years in his private clinic, with children, adolescents, and adults, using both play therapy and verbal dynamic psychotherapy with an analytic orientation. Among his experiences, he worked from 1999 to 2002 as a psychologist at an emergency center for at-risk children, and he worked with foster care organizations. Since 2005, he has been supervising psychologists, social workers, speech-language pathologists, and occupational therapists at the Early Childhood Unit of the Mental Health Clinic in Ramat Gan. Since 2011, he has been supervising the team of psychologists and therapists at the Lod Municipal Psychological-Educational Services. In recent years, he has been an examiner for the final examination in clinical psychology. He was first exposed to Stern's approach in 1995, from which color psychotherapy developed, as part of a 7-year learning and experiential group led by psychologist Rachel Shamir, and then studied and received individual supervision from Vitka Kover, a student of Stern's. Since 2010, Yoav has been leading training groups in color psychotherapy for psychologists, social workers, and art therapists. In 2012, he presented the approach with Dina Cohen Orr at the third and fourth Art as Therapy conferences held in Caesarea.

We have a book
Color psychotherapy
offers a wide variety of treatments, which allows for an optimal response to the challenge you are facing.
We offer a variety of individual treatments, including short-term treatments,
Art therapy in a variety of options, diagnosis, C.B.T (cognitive-behavioral therapy).